by westaflex dev



UN EDIFACT paperless business data Electronic Data Interchange means, electronic, computer-aided met...

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UN EDIFACT paperless business data Electronic Data Interchange means, electronic, computer-aided method for exchanging messages. Westaflex has pointed out in numerous publications on the importance of EDI and represents the spread of this technology for small and medium sized businesses. We would like to remind the public that electronic procedures from our daily life are influenced by the Internet become indispensable and bring essential benefits to each of us and of course for the entire economy. Such savings and facilities can operate in both directions of the supply chain. The companys comprehensive electronic linking of computer systems involves the predecessor and the successor in the chain. We learn what is required in the trade, and learn our suppliers, which is necessary for us. Orders are then no longer responsible for delivery by us, but a debt collectible by the supplier. This could be about work like this: Once in our warehouse a predetermined threshold from us for aluminum strip is below, which is signaled to all potential suppliers of aluminum tape, including all product specifications and bandwidth for delivery quantity and delivery date. With this information, all competitors have all the necessary information to make us an offer and we choose the best from.To communicate with customers therefore include Westaflex especially for a unified solution for electronic order processing. This is the group on the electronic data interchange (Electronic Data Interchange, EDI short). Especially the myOpenFactory standard of RWTH Aachen is a simple way to profitable savings in order processing, especially for SMEs. Because the exchange via PDF or Excel files are in our eyes long "Stone Age" to. By automatically Populate all relevant data falls the manual entry for the employee away - this saves time and prevents transmission errors. As an advocate of electronic order processing is the Westaflex group believes that EDI is lucrative, even for smaller quantities - both for the company and for the customer.The EDI World 12 November calls to memory issues or problems that have international significance. Since the first World Day in 1947, the United Nations awarded 70 official World days. Now call other organizations such as churches observances.Formalized data, which is defined exactly in what order and what format appear certain information. An EDI message therefore can in principle all be sent, which has character form, so as invoices, purchase orders, quotes, delivery schedules or shipping orders. EDI is not a message, but a message grammar. EDI applications there are, in principle, in any industry. When banks today SEPAkommunizieren cross-border SWIFT, EDI behind it. Much of what today works almost like magic, do not put behind Excel, but a structured message, namely EDI. The language, in any other industry, the automotive industry, unlike for equity trading or the plumbing industry. But the underlying grammar, the lowest common denominator is always the same. With the worldwide standardized EDI processes the World Trade Organization UNO everyone is internationally compatible. Whether administrative, logistical or structural data transfer. EDIFACT is accepted in every language of the world. All financial and commodity flows can be simultaneously accompanied by EDI real-time information.